A man has been left without genitals and with three missing toes after a witch doctor told him that losing his body parts would make him rich.
Zulu, from Malawi, has been hospitalised at Chipata General Hospital in
Zambia, near the Malawi border, after he allowed the hyena to eat his
Mr Zulu told the Times of Zambia yesterday that he was promised by a witch doctor that by sacrificing his body parts he would become rich.
Mr Zulu said that the witch doctor did not make it clear that his body parts would be 'lost'.
Yet despite the horrific ordeal, Mr Zulu admitted he was still hopeful of becoming rich.
'Even if I have lost some important parts of my body, I still want to get rich,' he said.
The Malawi man has been living and working in Zambia for the past four months.
Chipata Hospital described the man's condition as stable and said that he had been brought to the hospital by police officers.
In 2012, 50 miles from the same spot
in the area of Chadiza, a man was attacked in the country after going
out to the toilet in his garden.
Isaac Mwale, 42 said that he saw a black animal which looked like a dog leap at him before it mauled his leg.
After the attack, villagers appealed to the Zambia Wildlife Authority to cull the number of hyenas in th area. posted by Emanto Ngaloru April 1, 2014.
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