Mrs Schumacher has always been a devoted wife, extremely supportive of her husband's career.
Mr Schumacher once said: 'It is not so easy to find a partner who unconditionally adapts to the pace of my life.'
growing up in the same region of West Germany, Michael and Corinna
Schumacher met at a party in 1991 and fell in love. The pact that has
seen their loving relationship endure is that she allows him pursue his
high-octane career and, in return, he would give her everything she
could want.
He used the
staggering fortunes from his 22-year career to snap up a ranch in Texas,
where Corinna raises horses, as well as apartments and ski chalets
around the world - including the one in Meribel from which he set out on
the tragic day late last year.
He even built the estate on Lake Geneva where the new medical facility will be installed.
As a result, Mrs Schumacher refuses to give up on the man she once described as the 'perfect partner'.
family friend told The Sun she 'would view breaking faith with the hope
of a miracle a betrayal, little better than treachery.
feels that the family communes around his bedside pulsate their hope
and love to him, and that of the millions of fans worldwide who share
that faith.
'She can’t express defeat because that would be the end of her.'
posted by Emanto Ngaloru March 29, 2014.
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