Former East Wing employees explained
that the First Lady's nationwide popularity extends into the guarded
compound at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as well.
'They don’t want to work for her; they want to be friends with her,' the unidentified individual said.
explained how 'every meeting was like an identity crisis' as they
stressed about whether they were being invited to the daily meetings in
Mrs Obama's private office.
gives examples of how Mrs Obama is seemingly aware but unmotivated by
the attention from underlings, opting to place most of her trust in just
a few people who have been working with she and her husband for years.
among the decision-makers are (White House chef Sam) Kass and (advisor
Valerie) Jarrett—old family friends who enjoy rare access to the
president and first lady’s ultra-secluded living quarters, and to Mrs.
Obama’s private thinking,' Cherlin writes.
dependence on longer-term staffers to stick around because of their
connection with Mrs Obama has led to some territorial infighting issues
as well.
He cites the June departure of Kristina Schake, the First Lady's former communications director who thought up the celebrity partnerships that proved so successful.
the West Wing got word of the positive effect of Ms Schake's
initiative, President Obama's staffers began to approach her about
possibly transferring to their side of the building.
Careful planning: Mrs Obama's team has had some
less-than-stellar public launches for some of her Let's Move
initiatives, and some criticize her for being overly cautious (seen on
Tuesday during her trip to China)
When rumors about her possible
'promotion' hit the East Wing water coolers, people were reportedly not
supportive of the step up but immediately skeptical, questioning whether
or not Ms Schake had asked the First Lady's permission to be perusing
other options.
In the end, she left politics altogether and now works as the head of communications at L'Oreal.
article describes how parts of Mrs Obama's personality conflict with
the way that the office is run: while she is known to be very
detail-oriented and demanding when it comes to having every aspect of
her public appearances planned, the same level of scrutiny does not
extend to the way that the East Wing is run.
former aide described the mentality in the office as being one of 'how
can we be the caliber that we’re expected to be with no attention and no
resources and being an afterthought?'
their part, the East Wing issued a statement saying that the First Lady
has been pleased with her successes in the areas of military family
support and improved nutrition, even though they used a now-discredited
statistic about a drop in obesity rates to justify her work.
'The First Lady is laser-focused on moving the needle wherever and whenever possible,' the statement reads.
posted by Emanto Ngaloru March 28, 2014.
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