Saturday 19 July 2014

New Dating Called THE NAKED DATING. See The VERY awkward first episode of Dating Naked ..+18

                        In the buff! Daters Joe and Wee Wee caught each other staring at their, um, private parts almost immediately
In the buff! Daters Joe and Wee Wee caught each other staring at their, um, private parts almost immediately

                       Only their heads can touch! Joe steals a quick kiss from Wee Wee in the first episode of Dating Naked
Only their heads can touch! Joe steals a quick kiss from Wee Wee in the first episode of Dating Naked

                       Eyes up here! Joe and Wee Wee get to know each other after their experience with the Zorb on the beach
Eyes up here! Joe and Wee Wee get to know each other after their experience with the Zorb on the beach

Upon initially getting a full view of each others' birthday suits, it's obvious how awkward they both feel - though neither attempts to shield their blurred-for-television parts with their hands.
After a second of nervous laughter, they lean in for a painful-to-watch hug, in which only their shoulders and arms touch.
Joe then says: 'What the hell is going on? It's like you're naked and I'm naked, and I didn't even get to buy you a drink first.'
After the meeting, the show cuts to a confessional, and Joe admits he definitely saw Wee Wee 'checking [him] out' and 'staring at [his] genitals.'

                       Happy birthday suit! Wee Wee says she could only focus on 'Joe's testicles' when they first met
Happy birthday suit! Wee Wee says she could only focus on 'Joe's testicles' when they first met

                       Baring their souls: Wee Wee and Joe eat dinner during a rare moment when their clothes are on
Baring their souls: Wee Wee and Joe eat dinner during a rare moment when their clothes are on

Wee Wee, who admits she hasn't had sex in more than a year, then contradicts him in her own private confession: 'I didn't even focus on the penis. I just saw his testicles and was like, "Uhh, now where should I look?"'
But they soon get even more of an eyeful: For their ocean-side date, the couple Zorbed around the sand and in the water.
Zorbs are giant, see-through balls (this show makes it too easy), in which people can roll around inside. The contraptions ensure you get an all-angle view of the person inside.
'My first thought when I saw the ball was, "What if I have to fart?"' Joe said. 'I'm gonna hold it in. I mean, you can hold it in. But it looks like fun.'
Joe and Wee Wee go in one at a time, and as one of them tumbles around, the other pushes from the outside.
The show then takes an emotional turn, when they go back to chairs on the beach, and both Wee Wee and Joe talk about what they want in a partner. Wee Wee, more than anything, wants children.
Wee Wee starts crying during her confessional when she brings up the possibility of not having kids. 'I really want a family of my owns,' she says.
Then Joe drops his own shocking news: He got married when he was 19, divorced five months later, and then got bacterial meningitis.
The night goes well, but Joe and Wee Wee still have two more dates to go on.
                       Beauty on the beach! Joe is immediately taken by Jasmine's good looks, and he says she's completely taken his mind off Wee Wee
Beauty on the beach! Joe is immediately taken by Jasmine's good looks, and he says she's completely taken his mind off Wee Wee

                       Summer love? Joe and Jasmine go boogie boarding for their first date, an activity Joe calls 'sexual'
Summer love? Joe and Jasmine go boogie boarding for their first date, an activity Joe calls 'sexual'

                       Is this art? Wee Wee and Jack make a painting with their bodies for their first date
             Is this art? Wee Wee and Jack make a painting with their bodies for their first date

                       Doing pushups? Wee Wee can't help but notice that 'Jack is packing' as they make art with their bodies
Doing pushups? Wee Wee can't help but notice that 'Jack is packing' as they make art with their bodies

The next day, Joe meets Jasmine, a gorgeous 20-something from Israel. He says that Jasmine's beauty definitely takes his mind off Wee Wee, especially as they go boogie boarding - an activity he calls 'very sexual.'
Meanwhile, Wee Wee meets Jack, a zany 20-something. She immediately notices he's pale and not completely naked: he's wearing Converse tennis shoes. Wee Wee is turned off.
The pair has a date making body art. They pour paint over one another and Wee Wee can't help but notice that 'Jack is packing.' Still, she can't take her mind off Joe.
All four of the daters later meet up for an intimate, clothed drinks and dinner, and Wee Wee is nervous Jasmine will 'be skinny' or 'have big boobs.' Unfortunately, both her fears are realized.
Before any food is even eaten, Joe and Jasmine are naked in the pool together, as a sad Wee Wee looks on.
                      Giving some lip! Joe and Jasmine get it on back in the villa
                           Giving some lip! Joe and Jasmine get it on back in the villa

                       Adam and Eve? Wee Wee goes bird-watching with Justice, but she says the only bird she sees belongs to him
Adam and Eve? Wee Wee goes bird-watching with Justice, but she says the only bird she sees belongs to him

                       A match made in heaven? Joe has a good time with Chrissy, but he doesn't like her more than Jasmine and Wee Wee
A match made in heaven? Joe has a good time with Chrissy, but he doesn't like her more than Jasmine and Wee Wee

For their third and final dates, Joe goes out with Chrissy and Wee Wee meets Justice.
The first couple does high-speed water sports, while the latter goes bird-watching.
While Joe finds Chrissy, who's a professional violinist, 'beautiful,' the pair lacks the spark of the first two dates. It's obvious Jasmine is still on Joe's mind.
Justice, when he meets Wee Wee, immediately tells her she's 'tiny and pretty' and she says she finds him handsome, but, again, the sparks don't fly as they walk through the jungle.
'His bird was the only bird that I actually saw today,' said Wee Wee of Justice's, ahem, anatomy.
Now all six of the contestants go back to the villa, and drama ensues. Will Joe pick Jasmine over Wee Wee? Will Jasmine hit on Justice? Will any of the other contestants get together once they see each other naked? And, most importantly, will Jack remove his Chuck Taylors?

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