Saturday 19 July 2014

MH17 rescue teams locate 186 bodies as Ukraine accuses Russia of removing 38 corpses and crucial evidence

                      Banner                                                                                                                                                                                          Rescuers working for the Ukrainian government have started piling up bodies (centre) in the rural crash site in the rebel-controlled east of the country. However the Kiev government has accused the Russia government and the rebels of colluding to move corpses away from the crash site and launching plans to transport fragments of the downed plane away from the site. Experts despatched to the crash site complained that rebel soldiers (left), some of whom were drunk, would not let them have proper access to the site, which has begun to fill with the stench of bodies rotting in the heat. Distraught Malaysian officials said evidence had been 'tampered with' as mourners (right) continued to come to terms with the aftermath of the disaster.  

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