Monday 17 February 2014

Terrifying holes that are opening up all over Britain: How sinkholes are appearing at every five minutes.

                      sink hole preview
                                                                                                                                                           NEW Last week, a hole as deep as a double-decker bus is high suddenly opened up in the back-garden of a house in South-East London (top right) while an enormous hole developed in the central reservation on the M2 in Kent (bottom left). On Saturday, a huge sinkhole opened up at the side of a house in Hemel Hempstead (bottom right) and there was a similarly narrow escape for a family living in High Wycombe (top left). With more heavy rain forecast, it is unlikely we will see the last of these terrifying holes. And Dr Tony Cooper of the British Geological Society even thinks that when the rain does stop and warmer weather returns there could be a second spate of them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      posted by Emanto Ngaloru   Feb 17, 2014.                                            

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