Wednesday 23 July 2014

The faces of courage: Scarred survivors of acid attacks reveal the shocking stories behind their terrible injuries

                          Acid attacks                       Among the men and women to feature in Danish photographer Ken Hermann's Survivors project is Poppy Rani Das, 22, who was attacked by her husband a year ago and is now studying for an Open University degree. Others include Shytol Kumar, 14, (top right) attacked as he slept beside his mother, Umma Aysha Siddike Nila (bottom right) who was 15 when she was attacked by her husband and Shamsun Nahar, 43 who was blinded by her children's music teacher after she refused to have an affair with him. All of the haunting photographs were taken at Dhaka's Jibontara hospital, a specialist burns unit run by the Acid Survivors Foundation.    

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