Friday 11 July 2014

Reader’s Mail: Should I Go Back To My Dublin BF Or Stay With My New Nigerian Man

I’m an ardent reader of your blog and I need advice on this issue. About a year ago  i started an online relationship with a Nigerian man based in Dublin, Ireland and it was really, really going
smooth. He even told me he wanted us to get married this year.   
About four months ago, his contacts stopped going through and after a while i stopped bothering myself about him. I have moved on since and I am in a relationship with a man based
here in Nigeria, and I believe the relationship has prospects.

I was however startled when i received a Skype call from my former boyfriend  on Monday. He claimed his
house was robbed and all his gadgets, including his phone were taken from him . He said the Irish police have gotten the gang of robbers and that he is now in possession of his gadgets and that he wants us to continue where we stopped.
I asked him why he didn’t make any attempt of calling me or going to a friend’s house to make use of his computer or phone and he apologised.

I admit i still have a thing for him, moreso with him promising to marry me but I also don't want to hurt my current boyfriend (though he has not said anything about marriage). I’m confused, please how do I go about it?

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