Saturday 19 July 2014

Prof. Utomi Says...CONFAB Delegates Selected Are Of Old, Little Or Nothing Should Be Expected From Them

Professor Pat Utomi in a fresh interview with Vanguard has said he has little or no time for the on-going conference because the people there aren’t the ones meant to be there. He says the people selected are people of old, and their thinking has expected is old, so little or nothing will come out of it.  He stated categorically that it was a waste of billions of naira from tax payers' money. Continue.

When asked if he thinks the confab can come up with a solution facing Nigeria as a country, with the split of the South and the North over derivation Prof. Pat Utomi said;
Without being temperamental, I have very little time for the CONFAB. If this group of people can recommend a 19 state for Nigeria, they have no idea of what they are doing.
Then the reporter what forward to ask him what he meant by his statement and he said;
The reason is very simple, the CONFAB delegates were selected from yesterday and their focus is on yesterday. So somehow they cannot see tomorrow. Imagine yesterday’s quarrel being re-fired and yesterday’s sharing formula is being thought through rather than tomorrow’s bills being discussed. So they are focusing on yesterday challenges and losing sight of tomorrows challenges.
The national conference is a waste of billions of naira of the tax payers’ money. Lest we forget, I was one of those who pioneered the call for a true Sovereign National Conference   but it appeared it was manipulated in a way that the wrong people were called upon to be delegates.

Although there are some good selected few among them that see more clearly but their understanding is so limited which would do lasting damage on the country. The understanding of most of those in the conference is so much on yesterday.

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