Monday 21 July 2014

Pictured! Nigeria’s Kayode Samuel Involved In Britain’s Biggest Ever Education Fraud

In October 2012 it emerged that a large sum of money was missing from the academies’ funds and Kayode was arrested and his assets and those of his wife Grace, were frozen. 
Though Kayode denied wrongdoing and claimed all transactions had been authorised by the finance director before they were carried out, the court asked him to pay back the £4million with interests.
But till now, Kayode is yet to pay the said amount. It was doing this trial that his wife, 53 died last year.
He will be speaking with the detectives this week, but reports says he has spent most of the cash on extravagant lifestyle and buying a string of properties.
It also appears that a huge sum of the school’s money had been paid into a bank account in Nigeria and a company managed by his second wife in Nigeria, Yoni.
The case, kept secret for almost two years now, is believed to be Britain’s biggest ever education fraud.

Kayode started working with them in 1997 and rose to become accounts manager for the whole chain. He was paid £57,000 a year.

1 comment :

  1. Wat greed causes,He's paid £57,000 anualy,N is stl not enof 4hm,d properties shld b confiscatd final
