Tuesday 3 March 2015

How long do YOU have left to live? Treadmill test predicts your chance of dying in the next ten years

                       Scientists say you can accurately predict your likelihood of death using a calculator and a treadmill. The process involves running in three-minute segments on a treadmill with an increasing speed
What are the chances you will live for another ten years?
While your GP might give you some idea, scientists now say you can accurately predict your likelihood of death using a calculator and a treadmill.
The process involves running in three-minute segments on a treadmill with an increasing speed and at a growing incline.                   

Runners then plug in their vital statistics into a basic formula to find out how likely they are to die over the next decade.
Dubbed the FIT Treadmill Score, the test was created by cardiologists at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland after studying 58,000 stress exams
'The notion that being in good physical shape portends lower death risk is by no means new,' said lead investigator Haitham Ahmed.
'But we wanted to quantify that risk precisely by age, gender and fitness level, and do so with an elegantly simple equation that requires no additional fancy testing beyond the standard stress test.'


The test consists of three-minute segments that increase in speed and incline.
Follow the below stages in order to see which MET score you reach. Make sure you record your heart rate during each exercise.
Stage 1 - 1.7 mph/10 per cent grade/5 METs
Stage 2 - 2.5 mph/12 per cent grade/7 METs 
Stage 3 - 3.4 mph/14 per cent grade/10 METs
Stage 4 - 4.2 mph/16 per cent grade/13 METs
Stage 5 - 5.0 mph/18 per cent grade/15 METs
Stage 6 - 5.5 mph/20 per cent grade/18 METs
Stage 7 - 5.5 mph/22 per cent grade/20 METs

Then put in your details in to the following formula:  
(12 x METs) + (% of maximum predicted heart rate) – (4 x age) + 43 if female.
Maximum predicted heart rate is calculated as 220 – age. 

Heart rate achieved during exercise should be divided by maximum predicted.
If you have at least zero, your survival rate is 97 percent in the next decade. In the study, scores ranged from negative 200 to positive 200.

If you score 100 or higher, you have have a two percent risk of dying over the next 10 years, while those with scores between 0 and 100 face a three per cent death risk over the next decade.

If you have a score between negative 100 and 0 had an 11 per cent risk of dying in the next 10 years, while scores lower than negative 100 have a 38 per cent risk of dying in a decade.

                           As well as age and gender, the formula factors in peak heart rate reached during intense exercise and the ability to tolerate physical exertion as measured by so-called metabolic equivalents, or METs

As well as age and gender, the formula factors in peak heart rate reached during intense exercise and the ability to tolerate physical exertion as measured by so-called metabolic equivalents, or METs.

This is a gauge of how much energy the body expends during exercise. More vigorous activities require higher energy output – or higher METs.

An activity such as slow walking equals two METs, compared with eight for running.
For the study, the team analysed information on 58,020 people, ages 18 to 96, from Detroit, Michigan, who underwent standard exercise stress tests between 1991 and 2009 for evaluation of chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting or dizziness.
The researchers then tracked how many of the participants within each fitness level died from any cause over the next decade.


'Get busy living or get busy dying'.
These were the famous words of advice Red offered to Andy at the beginning of his life sentence in Shawshank Redemption.
They were the same words that were going round my head as I stepped up to the 'When am I going to die challenge'.

I'm a 33-year-old man of average height and build with an emerging paunch.
I spent my twenties drinking and smoking but thanks to a second go at hypnosis, I knocked the smokes on the head last year.
I consider myself fairly healthy having passed my formative years swimming, cycling and playing football.

Now, when I can be bothered I go to Bikram yoga and run. The paunch bothers me. I looked at the test and thought: Easy, before hauling myself off to the Young Man's Hebrew Association on 14th. 
I fired up the treadmill and got going.
Stage 1 - 1.7 mph/10 per cent grade/5 METs
Easy. I walk twice as fast.

Stage 2 - 2.5 mph/12 per cent grade/7 METs
Still easy but it reminded me why hate treadmills. They make walking and running so boring. Should have brought my headphones.
Stage 3 - 3.4 mph/14 per cent grade/10 METs
Incline jump is considerate and I'm starting to feel it. What is wrong with me? The Grim Reaper is on my tail.
Stage 4 - 4.2 mph/16 per cent grade/13 METs

It was all that food and booze at Christmas. I should have done Dry January. Must stop going to Ray's pizza. I'm not going to finish this I know it.
Stage 5 5.0 mph/18 per cent grade/15 METs
No can do. Treadmill doesn't go up as far as 20 per cent and thank God. I'm beat. I'm done. No way I can do last two stages. Pathetic.

So there. 12 mins no more. It was the incline that got me. Much harder than I thought. If the test is accurate I've got two per cent chance of dying in the next ten years.
I'll take that. Not as bad as I thought.

Unlike Andy from Shawshank Redemption, I haven't got to start digging just yet.
Sean O'Hare for DailyMail.com
The results reveal that among people of the same age and gender, fitness level as measured by METs, and peak heart rate reached during exercise were the greatest indicators of death risk.

Fitness level was the single most powerful predictor of death and survival, even after researchers accounted for other important variables such as diabetes and family history of premature death.

Scores ranged from negative 200 to positive 200, with those above 0 having lower mortality risk and those in the negative range facing highest risk of dying.
Patients who scored 100 or higher had a 2 per cent risk of dying over the next 10 years, while those with scores between 0 and 100 faced a 3 per cent death risk over the next decade.

People with scores between negative 100 and 0 had an 11 percent risk of dying in the next 10 years, while those with scores lower than negative 100 had a 38 per cent risk of dying.
'The FIT Treadmill Score is easy to calculate and costs nothing beyond the cost of the treadmill test itself,' says senior study author Michael Blaha.

                          The results reveal that among people of the same age and gender, fitness level as measured by METs, and peak heart rate reached during exercise were the greatest indicators of death risk
The results reveal that among people of the same age and gender, fitness level as measured by METs, and peak heart rate reached during exercise were the greatest indicators of death risk

Exercise stress tests usually measure how well the heart and lungs respond to physical exertion while a person is walking on a treadmill at progressively higher speed and elevation.
The test is stopped once a person reaches the point of exhaustion or develops chest pain, dizziness or heart rhythm abnormalities.

Those who have normal readings and no alarming symptoms while exercising are said to have 'normal' results and typically do not require further testing.
However, the researchers say, the new data show varying degrees of fitness among those with 'normal' stress test results that reveal telling clues about cardiac and respiratory fitness and, therefore, overall death risk over time.

'Stress test results are currently interpreted as 'either/or' but we know that heart disease is a spectrum disorder,' Dr Ahmed says.
'We believe that our FIT score reflects the complex nature of cardiovascular health and can offer important insights to both clinicians and patients.'

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