Thursday 12 December 2013

Lagos BIG GIRL Beheaded And Butchered For Rituals After Meeting A Man In Elugushi.

                                                   Unconfirmed reports have it that the victim above left home to club with friends and in the process was picked by a very rich man at Elegushi beach.

After price negotiations, they left to an unknown hotel location. At about 7am the following morning at Mushin, the victim’s body was found and reported to the police station. Her head and right hand had been chopped off, her intestines removed.  
                                                                                                                                                         was apparently used for money rituals. Although I have my doubts about the authenticity of the facts surrounding what lead to her death ( how were they easily ably to identify the body without a head?), one thing is for sure, the lady was brutally killed for ritual purposes and her body dumped .

They say the police is however still investigating. I have said it before and will reiterate it again. These are hard and perilous times. 2015 elections are fast approaching and we all know how cases of ritual killings and missing persons skyrocket during this period. A lot of evil people walk among us, therefore we need to be very prayerful and careful. Particularly the ladies who engage in all sort of 'practices'....please desist for shady 'dealings' from your own good..

There is no replacement for life and a lot of people out there are very desperate in their quest for ill gotten money. May God continue to keep us and our loved ones, Amen. See the photo below:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        source; mojidelanoblog.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       posted by Emanto Ngaloru Nov 12, 2013.

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