Friday, 11 April 2014

'I eat 51 bananas a day!' Self-proclaimed 'diet guru' claims her toned physique is down to the MOUNTAINS

                         Banana girl                     Known as Freelee the Banana Girl she advocates a rather extreme, low processed, low-fat, high-carb raw vegan diet. Eating between 2000 and 5000 calories a day, the Australian remains 'raw until four', meaning she eats no cooked or heated food whatsoever until 4pm, usually eating meals consisting of a huge amount of a single fruit

A Youtube diet 'guru' from Australia puts her ultra-slim body down to an extreme diet, which can see her eat nothing but bananas for an entire day.
Known as 'Freelee the Banana Girl' she advocates an extreme, low processed, low-fat, high-carb raw vegan diet.
It's a regime that recently came under fire when fellow Australian Loni Jane Anthony announced she had kept up the diet throughout her pregnancy, insisting that both she and her baby suffered no ill-effects.
Consuming between 2000 and 5000 calories a day,  Freelee remains ‘raw until four’ - meaning she eats no cooked or heated food whatsoever until 4pm.
She usually eats 'mono meals' consisting of a huge amount of a single fruit, such as two entire pinapples, five mangoes, two litres of orange juice, 1.4kg of apricots, or 20 bananas.                                                                                                                                         Freelee the Banana Girl advocates her raw high-carb vegan diet through her YouTube channel and website                                                   Freelee the Banana Girl sits admits a sea of bananas, dates, oranges and other fruits                                                Freelee thinks nothing of eating five mangoes or two whole pineapples in one sitting                                                     Often appearing in her videos in bikinis and bearing her washboard stomach, Freelee shows fans how to eat 'Raw until Four'                                                       Freelee tends to eat 'mono meals' consisting of a single ingredient - usually fruit- in large quantities                                                   Freelee, who is not she about showing off her figure, claims that adopting her low fat raw vegan diet saw her shed 40lb or 5st 7lb                                                    Freelee claims that adopting her low fat raw vegan diet saw her shed 40lb or 5st 7lb                                                  Freelee also credits her diet with clearing up her acne, chronic fatigue syndrome, low thyroid function and terrible digestion                                 
After 4pm she will often eat a cooked meal, again, usually a single ingredient in large qualities, such as 3.5kgs of potato baked in the oven, or another meal of fruit.
Having suffered from both anorexia and bulimia in the past, Freelee claims that adopting her low fat, high carbohydrate, raw, vegan diet saw her shed 40lb or 2st 12lb as well as clearing up her acne, chronic fatigue syndrome, low thyroid function and terrible digestion.
                                                                                                                                                            posted by Emanto Ngaloru  April 11, 2014.                                                                                                  

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