Friday 7 July 2017

Dinner diplomacy: Melania Trump sits beside Putin at G20 banquet after her husband confronted him on hacking the election - which Russian leader flatly denied

After spending two and a half hours speaking to President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin had dinner seated beside the American leader's wife, Melania (center). The Trumps both met Putin for the first time on Friday, as the world's top leaders gathered in Hamburg, Germany at the G20. President Trump's conversation with Putin signified the first time the Republican brought up Russia's hacking of the 2016 presidential election, which Putin promptly denied. With the 

day's business out of the way, the leaders enjoyed a concert (right) and then a Friday night dinner, in which couples were split up and not seated with their spouses. While Melania entertained the Russian leader, Trump sat beside the Argentinian First Lady Juliana Awada (top left). The fist lady, who grew up in Slovenia, then a part of Yugoslavia, knows several languages including German, which the Russian president also speaks thanks to his time in Eastern Germany as a KGB agent.

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